Fast lane no longer
At what point did the fast self-checkout lane at the grocery store become the slow torturous death it has turned into. It used to be a great way to run in, pick up some pantyhose (don't judge me) and zip out. Those with just a little bit of fear of the computer stayed away and in the clerk driven lanes. It was a perfect system. But slowly, people who shouldn't be in the self-checkout lanes have gravitated over to them. I give them credit for overcoming their fear, but enough already. These machines have been around,... what? Five years? If you haven't figured out how to go through the self-checkout lane, pay, then put your items in the bag or on the belt (the system won't let you scan another item until you do), please, for the love of God, go through a clerk lane. You're gumming up the works. It is seriously almost quicker to go through a clerk lane than to endure the employee constantly having to come over to help or override the flashing red light. If had hair, I'd be pulling it out.
And to the person who takes their cartload of 75 item through the self-checkout lane,,,,, There is a special place awaiting you. Hope you like the smell of sulfur. Peace out!
And to the person who takes their cartload of 75 item through the self-checkout lane,,,,, There is a special place awaiting you. Hope you like the smell of sulfur. Peace out!